I was always an athlete in high school and enjoyed competing in any sport I could find. I
started running long distances in college as a way to reduce my stress. I entered a local 5K and
thought that was fun and I was hooked into racing. As the years went on in college I continue
to race locally and with each year the distance I ran and raced grew longer and longer. During
one of these races, I met a fellow runner who did triathlons and we had a nice conversation
about triathlons and I decided that I wanted to race one soon. I completed a Sprint and when I
crossed the finish line I thought that was more fun than just running so I entered another one.
Each summer I entered local triathlons and really looked forward to the challenge of each one.
About 2 summers ago I completed my first Olympic and then last summer I completed my first
Half Ironman. I could not have completed the Half Ironman without TriDot. The amount of
training and dedication needed to complete my goal required an organized training schedule
that TriDot offers.
When I jumped from Sprint to the Half Ironman I had no idea how to train and most importantly
how to train correctly and reduce my chances of injury due to training improperly. Having TriDot
training made a huge difference in meeting my goal. I also learned a lot about myself and most
importantly I had fun training because it was just the right amount and not overwhelming. I am
looking forward to competing my second Half Ironman this June.
My highlight was crossing the Half Ironman with my three beautiful girls. They were so proud of
me and I felt so special sharing that moment with them. We are a busy sports family. I am a
great taxi driver between gymnastics, tennis, volleyball and cross country and scheduling all of
this can be tough. That is why TriDot training program is the best. It structures time for training
but also allows time for families.
A Good Laugh and a Long Run are Life’s Best Medicine
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