Stephen Levall

TriDot Ambassador

Race Distances

Sprint, Olympic, Half, Full

Performance Level


I fell into triathlons, when I was dared to do an Olympic distance Tri with no training, while in Grad school. Ever since then I have been hooked. I have dabbled with coaches, did my own training...etc. As a graduation gift from grad school I completed my first Ironman, St. George (back when it was a full). Since then I have mainly stuck to sprints and a couple of 70.3 races. When I started to get serious about races and PRs, I was acquainted with Elizabeth James, quickly asked her to be my coach, and ever since then I have seen nothing but PRs in all race distances. With four kiddos keeping me busy at home, TriDot training has become instrumental in my improvements across all three disciplines. 2019 is going to be an epic year! thanks CoachEJay and TriDot

You must first find your limits, before you can exceed them